Github Actions vs Travis CI

October 18, 2021

Github Actions vs Travis CI

If you are familiar with cloud deployment, you have undoubtedly heard of Github Actions and Travis CI. These two tools are very popular among developers for continuous integration and deployment.

In this blog post, we will provide a factual comparison between Github Actions and Travis CI, looking at various features and benefits of each tool to understand which one is better for you. So let's dive in.

Comparison of Features

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions is a popular tool that automates software workflows. It offers continuous integration and deployment services that run on-demand or based on schedule. You can use GitHub Actions to build, test, and deploy your code to production.

GitHub Actions supports many languages and frameworks, has built-in templates, and offers a modular structure to create custom workflows. Furthermore, GitHub Actions provides exceptional integration with other GitHub features like Pull Requests and Issues.

Travis CI

Travis CI is a continuous integration and deployment tool for GitHub repositories. Using Travis CI, developers can automate build, test, and deployment pipelines in a highly customizable way. Travis CI is relatively easy to set up and provides a user-friendly interface for managing CI/CD pipelines.

Travis CI supports many languages and platforms, and also incorporates static code analysis tools to provide feedback on your code quality.


GitHub Actions

GitHub offers 2,000 Actions minutes per month free, which can be divided among your projects. For open-source projects, GitHub provides unlimited free Actions minutes.

You have the option to purchase additional Actions minutes if you hit the free limit. You can also purchase additional features like hosted runners, Enterprise features, and private actions.

Travis CI

Travis CI offers several pricing options based on usage, depending on the number of repositories, concurrent builds, and the number of build minutes.

Both Github Actions and Travis CI offer a range of free and paid options, but the pricing structures differ. So depending on your budget and needs, one may be a better option than the other.


When it comes to performance, both tools offer fast build and deployment speeds.

However, GitHub Actions' deployment pipeline is potentially faster than Travis CI as it provides more resources for running workflows. GitHub Actions enables parallelization, caching, and the use of powerful hardware, which can increase the overall speed of your CI/CD pipelines.


After comparing the features, pricing, and performance of each tool, it is clear that GitHub Actions and Travis CI both provide powerful tools for cloud deployment.

However, the choice of a tool depends on your specific needs, budget, and personal preference. Github Actions does have an edge with its faster deployment pipeline, but Travis CI provides an intuitive interface and additional features like static code analysis.

So, we recommend trying both tools and deciding which works best for your needs.


Here are some references we used for this comparison:

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